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Polystyrene Recycling

Buy & Sell EPS plastic worldwide at WasteTrade.  We specialise in EPS Recycling in the UK, where you get the best prices for your EPS plastic scrap materials


Expanded Polystyrene

Expanded Polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene, often shortened to EPS, is a form of polystyrene plastic; it is a thermoplastic made by polymerising the monomer styrene into polymer chains. Polystyrene is made into expanded polystyrene by taking beads of polystyrene, circulating steam through them and then mixing in a small amount of pentane gas. This causes the beads to expand to approximately 40 times their original size, now being mostly filled with air.

It is the airiness of expanded polystyrene that gives it its foam-like properties and makes it such a widely used material in packaging. It is very durable, extremely lightweight, and very easy to shape, making it the ideal choice for the packaging of electronics or other fragile items. Also, due to its low conductivity, it is frequently used for insulation. In fact, expanded polystyrene was first developed in the 1940s to be a replacement for traditional insulation materials such as cellulose and fibreglass.

Due to its many advantageous properties, its low cost and how easily it can be produced, expanded polystyrene is one of the most commonly used foam materials in the world. Some more examples of its applications are in construction materials, consumer materials, geofoam in engineering, aquaculture, agriculture, medical equipment, sporting equipment and more.

Expanded polystyrene lists on top of each other
Expanded Polystyrene Recycling

Expanded Polystyrene Recycling

The exact process used for expanded polystyrene recycling will vary from one recycler to the next, but the general stages in the process will remain the same. You can access the most ethical and sustainable expanded polystyrene recycling services directly through the WasteTrade marketplace.

The first step in the expanded polystyrene recycling process is to sort through the material to ensure that no non-EPS materials are present, such as other plastics, wood, metals and carboard. Once sorted, the EPS will be washed to ensure no contaminants, such as dirt or residual liquid, are left on the material, as this will reduce the overall quality and value of the end product.

The second step in the process of expanded polystyrene recycling is to shred the material into small pieces, before compressing it into blocks. These compressed blocks reduce the overall size of the EPS by 98%, to just one fiftieth (1/50) of its original volume.

The third and final step in the expanded polystyrene recycling process is melting these compressed EPS blocks into lump. This lump is ready to go back into manufacturing for a wide range of potential applications, such as in products like picture frames and other household decorative items.

Expanded polystyrene lists on top of each other
Переробка пінополістиролу

Переробка пінополістиролу

Despite all the options available to businesses for EPS recycling services, and for PS recycling services, many companies still choose to send their scrap materials to landfill or incineration. It is sometimes the case that these businesses are not properly informed of all the recycling options available to them. However, it is more often the case that companies choose landfill or incineration because of all the red tape that comes with EPS recycling, especially if the material is being exported.

However, businesses no longer need to miss out on the financial and environmental benefits of PS and EPS recycling, as WasteTrade removes all the barriers in the way of these services. WasteTrade handles all compliance and logistical issues, taking the burden off this away from the buyers and sellers. WasteTrade’s secure transaction service also removes the stress of having to chase for payments for the material you sell. EPS recycling is easier, faster and more lucrative than ever before, all thanks to the WasteTrade online marketplace.

Closeup white polystyrene foam on the cardboard. Polystyrene foam is cushioning material in packaging, material for craft applications and other
EPS Recycle

EPS Recycle

There are numerous benefits for a business to opt for an EPS recycle service to dispose of their waste, rather than relying on incineration or landfill. This not only reduces carbon emissions and prevents pollution, but also helps the business move towards a circular economic model. Additionally, unlike incineration or landfill sites that charge fees, recyclers will pay for the waste materials.

Despite the financial and environmental incentives for businesses to use an EPS recycle service, many still choose incineration or landfill due to either a lack of knowledge about their recycling options or because of the complicated compliance and logistical requirements associated with plastic waste recycling.

However, with the introduction of WasteTrade, these issues no longer need to be a hindrance for businesses to take advantage of EPS recycle solutions for their plastic scrap. WasteTrade manages all compliance and logistics aspects of the recycling process, making it easier for businesses to recycle their waste.

Shredded and packed styrofoam at a recycling center


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Поширені запитання

Expanded Polystyrene, also known as EPS, is made up of lots of little beads of Polystyrene that are expanded with gas. When bunched together these beads form a rigid material that is lightweight enough to be usable for products such as insulation, packaging materials, outdoor furniture and more.

When set, Expanded Polystyrene is rigid and very tough considering its lightweight; this makes it a popular choice for packaging materials. Whereas this material can be durable enough to be used in products such as coat hangers and outdoor furniture, it is not as hard as some other plastics.

Expanded Polystyrene is relatively a very strong material, considering its lightweight. It is a popular choice for use in packaging materials, but it is also durable enough for use in products such as window and door frames, containers and roof tiles.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is a highly versatile material due to the fact that it is lightweight and tough, meaning it has a wide variety of applications. EPS is a popular choice in packaging materials, but is also used for items such as window and door frames, roof tiles, containers, coat hangers and outdoor furniture.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is made by using gas to expand small beads of Polystyrene. This means that EPS is in fact around 98% trapped air and only 2% plastic; this makes EPS a very cost-effective means of insulation.